Vegan on the Go
My newest veggie addiction....
As a student at Temple University I have a few vegan options available to me on campus. There is the Hummus Abe sandwhich at The Noshery sandwhich shop on Broad St., a few falafel carts, and a couple of Korean/Japanese carts that I often frequent. It can, however, be time consuming to wait in line for these veggie friendly places, and therefore I often resort to Odwalla bars and pita chips from the bookstore. At the beginning of last spring semester I wandered into our 7-eleven (probably for a vitamin water and a pretzel, how healthy) and noticed the back shelf filled with vegan friendly options. I pinched myself...I was not dreaming. I then proceeded to grab a "chicken" salad sandwich for $3.25. It was good! I proceeded to try the rest of Moshe's brand sandwiches, and quickly found my favorite to be the seitan steak. I had not been able to stop eating these suckers ever since. I am so happy that a place like 7-eleven is stocking veggie friendly food, but apparently it is only happening in Philadelphia (or so I hear), and it is unsure how permanent the situation could be. So this is a call for all you Philly veggies to try out these sandwiches at the following locations and let 7-eleven know that you want them to permanently carry them.
Moshe's brand can be found at...
16th Street and JFK Boulevard, 34th Street and Lancaster Avenue, Ridge Avenue and Walnut Lane, and Temple University.
UPDATE: Moshe's will be adding their sandwiches to more 7-elevens! The owner of Moshe's (which I learned started with a falafel cart that still exists at 46th and 6th) was quoted as saying, "In May, we'll be expanding the number of locations where you can get Moshe's sandwiches. [The product line] will eventually be in all of them around here. "
Hooray! Now we have to see what we can do about getting similar products in ALL 7-evelens.